Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Spy missions in Napoleon total war

Hi . i want to write and describe about Spies in Napoleon total war . As you Know when a spy is in low rank chance to defeat is more than when he got experience.

So it is wise to send spies with gentlemen to a hostile or target city to create unrest. the spy will sabotage and the gentleman will create unrest.  If the spy doesn't stay in the city too much it is better . Of course you must built so many inns to recurit spies as much as you want. When you have a new spy and its Rank is 3 stars or less it is advisable to first infiltrate and then wait for the establishment of the spy ring and then sabotage. The chance of a successful sabotage is more if there is a spy ring. This will lead to your spy get more experience and good traits. If they find out who is he then change his place to the nearest target. If he is a very bad spy ( some spies perform poorly by default) just give him something he can't do and keep him in the same city to get rid of him. Next spy will have a chance to have better traits than the last one.

Never forget that first infiltrate because the risk of losing a good spy is not your winning plan in Napoleon total war.

In the picture above you see the unrest of lower classes are controlled by army so in the next turn after the spy ring is ready , to sabotage the army is a good solution to bring some unrest to Prussia.


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